Lower back pain is a sensation all too familiar to millions of people. This ache can hinder many aspects of your life: working, spending time with friends and family, partaking in the activities you enjoy, and even just relaxing. The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of work are
Category: Health and Wellness
Ached by Lower Back Pain? Stand up Straighter with Physical Therapy
March 21st, 2019Eating Right: A Simple Technique for Reducing Pain and Inflammation
March 11th, 2019Do you deal with chronic pain or inflammation in your daily life? It isn’t uncommon, but it is avoidable. While exercise is a crucial part of your physical therapy regimen, proper nutrition can also play an important role. The foods you eat work to fuel your body, and eating the right ones can help you
What is Pre-hab and How Can it Help Me Recover Faster?
February 21st, 2019Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a full-time professional athlete, you know you’re going to be taking your body to its functional limits. But is your body ready for that challenge? Undetected weakness and vulnerabilities could prime you for a devastating injury. If you’re already injured or fresh out of surgery, leaping into physical therapy