Category: Carbs

Reducing Aches and Pains

How Nutrition Can Have a Positive Impact on Reducing Aches and Pains

January 10th, 2020

If you are what you eat, what are you based on your last meal? If your answer was full of saturated fat and processed sugars, it may be time to listen to what your body is telling you. Fortunately, physical therapy is more than just recovery after surgery. A physical therapist can help you identify

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morning routine

How Your Morning Routine Can Change Your Life

February 12th, 2019

When you see a physical therapist for the first time, one of the things they’ll stress is the importance of a healthy routine. Our physical therapy providers are experts in helping patients regain their full function again, and they’re also incredibly helpful in guiding you toward a healthy morning routine. Don’t hesitate to ask your

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